Shipping & Refund Policy
Refund Policy:
At SocioDivision we accept returns for refunds or exchanges for
any products that were damaged through the shipping process.
For eligibility, we ask that you to contact us within the
first 7 days upon receiving any of SocioDivision products and
provide images along with a clear description of the damaged good so
we can do our due diligence and check internally. Once we get
confirmed, we will then proceed to ship out a
replacement product if available. In the event that a replacement
product is unavailable, SocioDivision will provide our
customers with a refund of 50% based on what they paid for the
product. Do take note that this is judged on a case to case basis.
Shipping Details:
Socio Division is based in San Juan, Puerto Rico and will be
partnering with USPS International Shipping services to
ship our products to our customers. For international as well as domestic shipping destinations, customers will be able to track their package and get updates on the shipping status through the tracking number provided. As for our local customers, we will work with a local courier to ship our products.